
Game Review: Final Impression: Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves

Well, this Saturday was band, band, and band. We had a two hour practice in the morning, less then an hour break for lunch, then went to the away football game. Our school lost horribly at its away game (in which some band members had fun swapping instruments...due to our boredom since we had to rest our chops for the TOB; I think we lost 28 to 0...something like that). After that, they gave us bag lunches (or rather “bag dinners”) and we practiced our visuals until the TOB. We came third out of third again, but our score improved. Also note this is the first season our band has been a category 3 band in 17 or so years (or something like that). If we were in category 2, we’d be easily winning these TOBs. Anyway, I hope we make it to ACCs (Atlantic Coat Championships)...my section leader promised me a bag of Smarties (total of 60 in a bag!!) if we do.

Oh, and I finished Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves sometime during September...anyway, it’s a great game! It’s much improved from the first game, and the plot is very absorbing. I highly recommend it. However, I do recommend you play the series...it gives more meaning to the next one...saur_kid’s review should give you an idea of how great it is...(thanks Aunt Ori for getting it for me!). It’s kind of late and I don’t feel like elaborating more on it, so just play it. It’s a WONDERFUL game.

And in fact, I’ve started on the Sly Cooper 3: Honor Among Thieves game! So far it’s very interesting...I really enjoy the fact that they have connections to the other games...which is why I recommend playing all three in order. I obviously have the first two games if anyone has a Playstation 2 and wants to borrow them ;). Also, another neat feature is that there are more characters you get to play as, and more things to do rather then just jumping roof top to roof top, such as flying an airplane in Holland and speeding through the waters of Venice in a boat. Not to mention it has the most awesome thing in the world in the game: a grappling hook equipped camera. It is SO cool! It's one of the power-ups you can purchase for Bentley (one of the three main characters; the "brains" of the group). It can self-destruct, distract guards, and grappling hook! The cool thing is that you can go around the area, and use the grappling hook to get around and to take out guards! It is just SO cool...I wish I had one...


Blogger TLP said...

*sigh* Wish I could experience these games, and don't say that I can, because I can't really.

The TOBs are actually good exercise. Only way to look at it.

9:54 AM  
Blogger dddragon said...

Actually, the score was WORSE than that!

And it was a terribly long day - 11 hours of band.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Goa'uld said...

Good exercise...hm...

Who cares about the score? Everyone knows that you go to a football game to see the band, Nox ;)

The signs in the video game store were just calling to me to buy it as soon as possible...but it's probably smart to get it a bit later when the price goes down, but oh, well :P. A 4th one? Sounds neat, lol! But ‘tis a bit soon to start talking about it...

The upperclassmen said that they're a lot more fun when you are not last or near the last to perform, because you get to hang out, etc. if you perform earlier. But I'll try to anyway, Actonbell :). We still need a Stargate name for you...

10:23 PM  
Blogger Lila said...

Glad you like these games so much! They do look cool.

Auntie Aral Ori

10:29 PM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

I think a trombone is a grappling hool, if you don't believe me, please see my Special Guest Goa'uld. It's the camera you're missing. Maybe mount one on the bell? Then go to Venice. Definitely.

10:40 AM  

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