License Plates

SGC stands for Stargate Command, located in Colorado.

And, for the Nox ;)
I admit, sometimes I guess I can get confusing when I refer to certain people as a Tok’ra or a Nox, so for you Tau’ri (humans from earth), I have composted a list that you may use as a reference:
As I mentioned last week, I was gone from June 19th to June 24th at an acting camp. It was a lot of fun :D! I met some great people, and some great actors! The funny thing was that there was only one guy at the camp! Though, he enjoyed the attention (though, he did complain a bit about the makeover some of the girls gave him)...:P. We did a lot of acting games, and such, and saw the musical Once on this Island. It was really wonderful :)! Also, we performed on Friday Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Boy, was it hard to memorize our lines in under five days! The parts were given randomly and I was the narrator (and part of the gum machine; we barely had any props, so people had to be machines! It was quite funny...and we didn’t have costumes, either, so we all wore the camp t-shirt and some hat or something to distinguish the different characters). I didn’t have many lines, but my lines were long.
(Note: the background of this desktop background was not done by me)
1024 by 768 800 by 600
And here’s the third episode! This is the one that contains one of the Tok’ra’s favorite scenes...I think you’ll know which one it is, but she can tell you which one if she feels like it. A bit more action in this one (I’ll touch up the light saber parts a bit more in the last episode), but still there is quite a bit of dialogue. I tried to make it slower with the dialogue, but don’t forget about the pause button if you need it. I have the quality set to medium, but if you think it’ll still run fine on high quality, it’s your decision to change it. No sound, again, but still, I’d pause the sound.
Just would like to post on my blog (though you may have already seen a post about it on my mom's blog) that it’s one of my cat’s birthday’s today! Today, he’s eighteen! Happy birthday, Chatham!
I was searching around for quotes...because it's cool...and I came up with quite a few good/funny ones:
Wow, this episode took a lot less time to make then the last one (maybe it's because I didn't have school or homework to worry! Originally, the last episode was going to be the only one, but over time, I came up with other parts to it. Hopefully, you’ll like this one,’s a lot of dialogue and less action, I think...but the Tok’ra seemed to like it. Oh, and you may want to pause the sound (even though there isn’t sound in this episode) and set the quality to medium (right click...etc.). Just an idea...also, don’t forget to use the pause if needed, cause it can go a bit quickly with the dialogue (sometimes, but not always). But only if you think it needs too...
This is part one of a four part episode/series thingy. Although, this is the only one completed, the plot and lines for the rest are finished. You may or may not see the next part soon...depends on how much I work on the next one. I know the plot of this “episode” may be confusing...(same with the other episodes)...but oh, well. The Tok’ra said that there is a really funny part in the next one, though (well, I think in the third part, actually). Hopefully she won’t ruin it for you...oh, and I was too lazy to put in sound or fix it up. Enjoy...
Warning: You may want to stop the sound and decrease the quality of this (by right clicking) because it runs a bit slow because of the amount of Flash things on this blog.
From the 26 to the 29 of May was our Unitarian Universalist’s coming of age trip to Boston! It was a lot of fun, but I will not lie to you; there were some (as in VERY few) parts that were so boring I almost fell asleep, though. Our visit to Walden Pond and the duck boat tour probably were the most fun while we were there (besides the card games...! Got to love ‘em...). However, the trip was too much comprised of history, I did notice. I do enjoy some history...though (but they didn't let us go to the science museum there! We begged...but they said no...:( )...oh, and the funny thing was that on the trip when we were asked answers, the girls answered the most questions! And there were only two of us (not that it’s totally surprising because we were girls...but because of our small number)! Also, despite that the car ride was about eight hours long, it was probably the most fun too...especiall the mulitplayer Mario game and this roleplaying game we kept us laughing most of the way back! Anyway, here are some pictures from the trip (all but one from the duck tour):
Although I stand by my statement that the school year went VERY quickly, it seems like ages since the last summer vacation! I celebrated it by playing hours on the GameCube...since I wasn’t able to do much of it because I had to study for finals. Oh, did I do my review on Super Smash Brothers Melee? If I haven’t, then I’ll do it’s one of the best games ever! I also had Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo 64, but this one is MUCH better. Also, there are a lot more characters and places to battle. I’ve earned all except two (at least I think...) of the possible characters from the came: Mewtwo (who I desperately want to earn) and Mr. Game and Watch (who the Tok’ra wants me to earn; luckily, we need to earn Mewtwo in order to get Mr. Game and Watch...)