July Update
Last week, as you probably already heard from my mom’s blog, both the Tok'ra and I were at a band camp. I really liked that camp: it was small, but you got a lot of personal advice as a musician, and the last time I was at a band camp, Penn State...well...the trombonist instructor there was super mean, so having a nice one instead was a great change :D. Though, they kept us up really late the night before our final concert, so I don’t think we did as well as we could have...which makes me really mad, but oh, well.
Tomorrow’s meh birthday...yay...but it’s kinda scary too. I mean...another year older and stuff...
And then the next day my sister, my dad, and I will head down to Baltimore for Otakon, which is a huge anime convention, the only one like it on the eastern coast. Here’s a picture of the costume I’ll be wearing (‘cause when you go to one of these...you should always dress up ;D). My mom made this awesome costume out of clothing we found at the Salvation Army. Thanks, mom!:

The character I’m dressing up as is named Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. He’s actually about my height and always gets teased for being short...so that’s why I picked him :P. Though, he has blonde hair, and I lack a wig...but next year I’ll be sure to have the wig :).
Edit: Also, although it doesn’t look as nice squished up small, I made myself a new image-thingy that I think came out pretty well, being all done in Macromedia Flash MX...though, only in the full version. The symbol on the hat's supposed to resemble what the first prime Jaffa has on his forehead, and I used the astrological sign of Leo 'cause I'm a lion (despite myself being Cancer...how unfortunate, eh?)

Happy birthday, Goa'uld! See you Saturday!
I think it takes a lot of nerve to be a mean trombone teacher.
Thanks, Doug! Though, I unfortunately won't see you Saturday...since I will be heading down to Baltimore :(...
It does indeed.
I just heard we'll miss each other from your grandma. Pity but maybe next time.
Oh, and happy birthday!
I've seen the costume "in person" and it is awesome. Good job Della, and to you to Goa'uld for the design.
I like the new you. But I liked the old you too.
Hope the convention is/was great! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your present is obviously late.
Tell us everything! Spill your guts. Did you have a wonderful time?
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