Felicem Diem Natalem, Granny Nox!
First off, I would like to say I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It’s definitely not my favorite holidays, except for the break from school and the pumpkin pie, but it’s okay. If it was a desert-only holiday (like Halloween), then I’d definitely like it better.
Anyway, moving on...we had a break from school Wednesday-Monday, which was very nice. I totally slacked off...but that’s because I finished most of my homework at the beginning of the break. Of course I did all of my homework, but I spent most of my time practicing my trombone (I’m trying for District Band on Saturday. There is no way I’m going to make it, so don’t even try posting “oh, I’m sure you’ll make it!” because no, I won’t. I’ll probably explain everything to y’all after I do miserably at tryouts on Sunday) or playing Tales of Symphonia. Actually, I have played better fighting games, I’ll be that honest with you, but I do really like it all the same. Plus, the plot is as good as one in a book, in my opinion. I’m sure I’d like it more if the Tok’ra would let me be Player-1, since that’s what the screen is focused on. Oh, the one major flaw in multiplayer playing is that the “camera” or view only centers on Player-1. So, usually, I’ll be fighting a monster off screen, or I’ll think I’m fighting a monster off screen, when really I’m slicing air while the monster is slicing my back, and I’ll say “Tok’ra! Go over to that other monster! I think I’m dying!” But besides that, I can’t complain, much. Yes, I’m obsessed with continuing it, but it’s like reading a great book. You can’t just stop in the middle of it! Plus, we have to get to the part where my favorite character rejoins the group (a great button-mashing character...but Lloyd, the main character seems like the best button-masher...oh, and if you haven’t noticed, we like button-mashing characters. As in characters that mostly you have to run up to a monster and just press “A” as fast as you can! Fun, fun...very fun.) named Kratos. Yeah, he’s the betrayer, if you’ve read the Tok’ra’s post about the game. To me, he’s like Professor Snape (you have read the six Harry Potter book...right?). He did something really evil, but he’s still got some good in him! Well...at least that’s the way I see it...I actually don’t know if Professor Snape is still good, but I’ll just have to wait until the seventh book (the Tok’ra points out that a better analogy would be Darth Vader, especially since he’s Lloyd’s fa-*cough!* *gasp!* *wheeze!* Sorry! That was the sound of my train of thought running off the tracks, just like in the bizarre movie Polar Express. Not recommended from my point of view, unless you just want to see the computer animation. It’s quite realistic (mostly).

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Granny Nox! In my mind, you seemed to have never aged a year!
Why, thank you sweetie! In my mind I haven't aged either. The mirror lies.
Goa'uld, my pretty, you will never, never! make the district band. I mean, you're good, brilliant, even, I'm sure and you do work hard. But District Band Good?
Good luck, anyway.
Happy Birthday, Granny Nox! Resquiat in Pace.
Dang, who let that Una in?
Good luck, Goa'uld, whether you think you'll get in or not, I'm certain you'll be excellent in the tryout. That's what matters.
Happy Birthday, TLP. Multi magis anni felici
I'm with you, Tak Simba Pez Goa'uld... Thanksgiving has always been fairly lame in my eyes.
Good luck in your tryout, anyway! It's great that you're even trying out, really.
Happy Birthday, TLP!
Dropped in to say, "Break a leg." Hope you have some fun tomorrow anyway.
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