Guess what? Today, I woke up, and suddenly, I thought the strangest thing. I mean, VERY strange. Yep, it has to do with band. Y’all know how it’s ruling my life...don’t ‘cha? Anyway, instead of thinking “oh...I have band practice today”, I thought “I can’t wait ‘til band practice”!!! I mean, wow! I have no idea why! It’s just so strange...!
Our drum major actually told the other low brass members that today's practice was the first practice he really didn’t want to be at because he had so much stuff to do. After I told them I had been looking forward to band since the morning, another member of the low brass asked me, “Do you have a life?”
Of course, my answer was “no” :-P. Anyway, before skull, I had a short sectional with the low brass section. At Saturday’s mini-band camp, I played by myself before the others because the Euphonium who had the same part I had was having trouble with it and needed to hear it. Today, before I played the same part as an example for the Euphonium again, the drum major (he’s low brass, just in case I didn’t tell y’all already.
Hehe! “Y’all”...) suddenly moved to my side, as if he were blocking me from someone. Of course, I ask why. Apparently, he had gotten in trouble for making me play on Saturday by myself (although, he didn't force me to do it). It's the whole “freshman” thing, how we’ll get embarrassed because we won’t play it right, even though I did...but I thought it was funny, anyway. And after that, we practiced Hunting Wabbits (our last song for the performance), during which I learned I was the only one who “officially” memorized it out of the group. Or at least some of the upperclassmen said they didn’t have it totally memorized. It sounded like they did to me...but that’s just me.
...and nothing else interesting happened the rest of practice. I do hope that other people have done tier 2 for Joy...and maybe someone else for Morning’s First Light...I’m doing tier 2 for Morning’s First Light tomorrow, and I just hope that I’m not the first to do it...
Oh! And I found out what
Granny Nox did! It’s quite’ll all laugh your Tau’ri butts off.
Update 9/14/05: Thanks,
Doug the Una! I am honored to be your special guest! Great new picture, by the way...:-P!
Oh, and you can now have that coffee break you've been wanting...