Okay, if there is one thing that’s never going to happen without a fight, it’s this: the end of Stargate SG-1. Who cares about Atlantis? Stargate SG-1’s plot with the Ori is ten times better than Atlantis’s plot with the Wraith...well, it’s more like I really hate the Wraith, and only semi-hate the Ori. Okay, yeah, the villain is suppose to be hated, but Atlantis seems to just be going around in circles...anyway, that’s beside the point.
Stargate SG-1 is the greatest TV series,
ever. I know, it’s just my personal opinion, but it really is sad for me...one of the things I’ve always wanted to do was have a walk-on role, but I’m not even old enough to enter (have to be 18), and it won’t be there when I have a
chance to enter. Plus, there are
so many things that aren’t finished...so, what we have to do is stop SciFi from canceling SG-1!
So, I devised the “Tak Goa’uld Pez’s 215 Reasons Project”. We, those who won’t let the catastrophe happen, shall come up with 215 or more reasons why Stargate SG-1 shall not be cancelled. Some reasons can be funny, but all 215 will be true and dear to our hearts.
You can either post a comment of one, or e-mail me at goauld_productions@yahoo.com. Also, to advertise, please post this graphic on your blog, and link it back to this post:

I’m going to try to see if a different person can come up with each reason...so if you have multiple reasons, perhaps submit them to a friend ;-).
Anyway, I’ll do the first one:
1) Because Lt. Col. Mitchell has not died yet, and all official members of SG-1 have to die and be revived (Vala is already qualified, as you should know...:-P). -Tak Goa'uld
2. Because some girl in Pennsylvania needs to do walk on in a couple years. -Doug
3. Because Ori are even more vicious in reruns. –Doug (up for adoption)
4. "Did I remember to lock the Stargate before coming to bed?" –Doug (up for adoption)
5. If not for Stargate, Goa'uld would have posted even less. –Doug (up for adoption)
6. Someone has to do real science in this country. –G (adopted from Doug)
7. If Stargate goes off the air, what will stop MacGyver from coming back? –Minka (adopted from Doug)
8. Leave it on the air until I get it. –Doug (up for adoption)
9. If you can build a set prop that opens into another planet, by crickey, you can make a 25th season. –Doug (up for adoption)
10. Goa'ulds aren't vegetarian and don't like pasture. –Doug (up for adoption)
11. Because if SG is cancelled, 2 million SG fans will boycott your network--and they really mean it. - actonbell
12. Because there's something so magical about getting lost in a great show. - Sar
13. Because like Star Trek, Stargate SG-1 should air for decades to make an indelible impression in SciFi television history. - Sar
14. Because my pal 3D's daughter is Stargate SG-1's number one fan and she deserves the happiness she'd attain by seeing the show continue not to mention getting a walk on role. –Sar
15. Because some of us have still not forgiven SciFi for cancelling FarScape. - O Ceallaigh
16. Shows like this help to encourage imagination which is in short supply on most shows. Keep it on air for the future of our country I say! – G
17. I have never seen a single espisode, and if you quit now...well I won't be tempted cause the final link is missing;) - Minka
18. Because they haven't explored all the story possibilities yet. – dddragon
19. ...because there are so many planets they have to revisit, that it would be a cruel joke if they didn’t. – Tak Goa'uld (up for adoption)
20. Because it's not finished. You can't quit in the middle of a series. – Tan Lucy Pez
21. Because I've only seen it a couple of times and liked it but have to wait til I'm about 50 to have time to watch it anymore so you have to keep it going....please. - Kyahgirl
22. Because it is the only show on your network I still watch. – Quilldancer
(As of August 25, 1:24 PM EST)
I will probably make a separate web page for the list...but at the moment, I am too lazy :-P...I'm not sure how I'm going to prove that 215 different people made up each reason, but I'll find a way...
Oh, and "215" is how many episodes there are "going" to be if we don't stop this.
Edit: Well, I did have the ‘one per person’ up when I originally posted, but perhaps we can shoot for over 215, however have 215 different people at least come up with...them...hm...that’s a lot of people...but it’s worth it for Stargate!! I’ll try to do the updates for this post every night. The website will come...soon. Thank you so much for your support!
(...and not all of the reasons have to be focused on me, but I am very flattered :P. The more variety, the more chance we have!)
Double Edit: Okay, until now, I forgot the code that would allow me to share the coding for the image, but I now remember it :D. Copy and paste this coding somewhere on your blog to support Stargate SG-1!