On March 4th, this Friday, my school’s Science Olympiad team, both high school and middle school, when to L-----n College for the regional Science Olympiad tournament. For those who do not know what it is, it is a competition where schools prepare to compete in events related to science, much like the Olympics (for more info, go to the
official website). Each school has a team, sizes usually varying, of students who prepare for whatever event they are competing in before hand. Our school’s middle school team comprised of 12 students, and we each had an estimated average of three events each. About a month before the competition, the team was formed by who showed up at the first meeting, (comprising of eight grade honors students and ninth graders). I had no idea how little time this was until it was too late. Either way, our school did well, surprisingly. We ranked 7th among the middle schools, and a few of us got awards for how we did in certain events. I, myself, received a 3rd place medal for Water Quality (which was basically just a test which we did with partners). Two other events I participated in were Sounds of Music and Science Crime Busters. I have no clue how I did in Science Crime Busters, but in Sounds of Music, when I played my instrument, it was out of tune when I had just tuned it before the impound and I got so nervous and I messed up on the songs...it was horrible! I was so embarrassed...that’s why I’m making a new instrument. Anyway, since my school ranked 7th we now get to go to the state competition. The high school students, however, did not make it that far. I’m actually disappointed...I didn’t want to go to states...lol, the last period of time for events (certain events at certain times/ periods), a few other girls who didn’t have any events and I practically talked the whole time about how much we hated it...:P. Personally, I didn’t like it because I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked to have been. I’ll be sure to be prepared for the state competition.